

Thursday, December 24, 2009

My Christmas Wishlist

Howdie! Merry Christmas folks!

It's almost Christmas but I still can't figure out what to give my boyfriend as a Christmas present. He has been a gift to me since he came into my life. I just want to show him that he is special to me.

And I still haven't got anything as a Christmas present for this year yet.nyahaha. Well, what I have in mind right now are not all material things. There are certain things that money just can't buy.And I probably would not win the nomnom's Limited Edition Starbucks Flash Drive because my list is not posh or fab. But, still I wanted to share to you what I really wanted for Christmas.

But to tell you honestly, my first wish is wish to have lots of followers in my blog. Just in case nomnom would help me out, my blog URL is I've been blogging for only a month and I really admit that I dont deserve that much traffic yet. But, I really want followers.

This will be my last semester in college. For that, I wish for God's provision for my tuition. Needless to say, I have to pay my tuition. I have persevered a lot to finish my thesis successfully. I just really hope that after all my hardships, I'll be able to graduate.

Hehe. This next wish is a silly one. I wish to have someone who will treat me with a venti cup of chocolate cream chip frappuccino. Merry Christmas..haha..

Fourth in my list is peace within my family. It has been two years since I've last talk to my sister. A part of me is telling me that I really hate and that I have to hate her. But, a part of me is telling me that she is my only sister and that when everyone turned their backs on me, she will still be there for me. Aaahhh..

I want brother, Yvan, to finally think before feeling bad about my papa. I just hope that Yvan will change. He needs wisdom.

And my last wish is that my classmates would realize that I have not done them anything wrong. My college years were sad because of them. They made me feel that I am not a friend to them. I just want to feel ok when I'm at school.

Merry Christmas...I hope this will be really merry one for me.


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Earning with blog posts

I've discussed about money blogging in a seminar once this year. I was like a pro that time. -No, actually, not so pro. I was just so good at researching for the best points to discuss. And for a plus, i interviewed a real blogger. He was just so nice that he spared me some of his very hectic sched. Thanks kuya Fjords!

Now that I am really into it - blogging - let me tell you something that some others in the blogosphere tried to keep.

Monetizing your blog is something to do when you want to earn out from blogging. You start off from doodling whatever it is that's on your mind - from your best experiences to the worst ones, to social issues and national ones. Then. eventually, you will realize that blogging eats up your time.

Once in my web idle moments, I came to read a blog from His post was about the top 8 sites that keeps him earning. I tried reading and browsing the sites he has given. And of the eight sites, the best one that i would consider is the Blog Distributor.

Blogdistributor is a site that keeps bloggers and clients connected. It allows blogger to have blog about a client and earn from it.

Now it is more than just that. It asks for your standard rate for each job done and your average working days for blogging.

Just want to share this to everyone to give you the confidence of starting a blog.


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The May 2010 Presidentiables (PART I)

May 2010 Elections is fast approaching. After five full months, the country will be deciding on to vote for. True enough, the May 2010 presidentiables are the best set that I could consider in my life at the moment. In fairness to them, this set of presidential candidates are like the best one to select the fitted person to lead the Philippines.

Having mentioned that I see them as the best set of presidentiables, why don't we go for the best among bests.

Let me take this opportunity to blog about them.

I've read a blog entry just before starting off this sentence. Well, I was trying to look at other bloggers' point-of-view with the 2010 presidentiable. Niña Bumanlang of Underside has her own side about the presidentiables. And her point is a bit different with mine.

To her, the next set of presidentiables is the not-so-likable one.

Ok, we have our own criticisms and opinions here, so, let me continue with mine.

So, to start off, let me introduce to you our May 2010 presidentiables (in alphabetical order):

Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino Jr.

John Carlo "JC" Delos Reyes

Joseph "Erap" Estrada

Richard Gordon

Jamby Madrigal

Gilbert "Gibo" Teodoro

Manuel "Manny" Villar

Eduardo "Eddie" Villanueva

One of these faces will be the country's president after the May 2010 Presidential Elections. And I guess, the vote of each and everyone is very much important as a vote might make the most fitted person for the position. And my reason behind this post is my responsible feeling of being a youth. I really believe that it will always be the youth who can will make the good president for us.

The youth is susceptible to change impressions or ideas depending on what they read or hear. I can't just stand while cannot contain all the ideas blurting out of my mind. I hope that you guys try to subscribe to keep you updated with my posts about the May 2010 presidentiables.

To be continued . . .


Monday, December 21, 2009

Want an 8Gb iPod Nano for Christmas?

Who wants to get an 8Gb iPod Nano?  The 8Gb iPod Nano is the newest Nano that comes with cool features that includes a video camera, FM radio tuner, pedometer to count your steps, built-in mic to record voice memos or record a lecture, and of course it holds up to 2,000 songs or 8 hours of video.

If you answered yes, then join this contest!

Here's how:
You can do any or all of the following since either ways will be given corresponding credits!
  1. Subscribe to's blog to earn you 1 point.
  2. Doing these will earn you 5 points. Blog about the contest, like this, and include links to the following:  
    1. Internet Entrepreneur
    2. iBlogToBlog
    3. Contest Post
  3.  And the last is will be sending a proof that you have donated to a charity or a sort of like that during the year, 2009. Proofs may come in pictures or tax receipts. And this is also equivalent to 5 points. 
*Just don't photoshop any image to show that you gave to charity or anything just to earn more points.That's a whole lot shameful isn't it?

Another chance for another Nano will happen if Email Subscription to DatMoney will reach 200. So go grab your co-blogger and those who has 8Gb Nano on their wishlist!

Who knows? You might be the lucky blogger to be chosen by

And oopps! Contest deadline will be on Dec. 23, 2009. So hurry up!


Thursday, December 17, 2009

yadiyee christmas carolers

During the Yuletide, we often see carolers along the streets and in most PUVs. I was one of them during my high school days. I used to do carolings in our Area and in our Baranay with my classmates.
In fairness, the feeling is nice when you know that you are to get an amount that's higher than 50 bucks. Then, the money we've earned will be used for that day's evening merienda.
But, I was never fond of giving even any petty donations to carolers. Not unless, probably, if they come in costumes and beautiful, angelic voices.
The street children in my school's vicinity had been doing carolings to us students since the start of December. They come in uber dirty clothes and super-out-of-tune and out-of-lyrics songs. And take note, they demand so much that if you say that you do not have money, they'll be mad at you. Mumurahin ka pa nila. *so mean.
And so, I think, the most captivating caroler I've met ever was the one who sang an unfamiliar song.
I was in a bus going to SM north then. When he stood up, I already realize his propaganda. A caroler, he is. He brought out his instrument and started preaching.
At first thought, you'll think that he is just, of course, after the money. But, eventually, you will have the impression that that man is not just asking for money. He's also trying to let his listeners feel the enthusiasm of the season with his song.
Pagod pa ko nung time na yun. But, in fairness to him, his song uplifted my spirit.
And so, merry christmas to him.


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Sadness kills

It's sad to know that i'm alone. And that nobody cares to understand my point. I'm like underestimated and unweighted.
If Miss Universes were born, we'll "misinterpreted" and "misunderstood" also did. And I am them. Hehe..I myself cannot find my own happiness. I, myself, cannot interpret and understand me. All I know is that, I want to demand something. There are just no exact words to express mine.
It feels like i'm alone and forsaken. I hate myself for being a full time freelancer. "I'm just a little girl lost in the moment," but I cannot just enjoy the show.

Friday, December 11, 2009

kindling a better perspective

I am the master of my fate;
I am the captain of my soul.

People are of different perspectives. And the only thing that's controllable on Earth is nothing but yourself.

Whatever I do, people will say something - be it good or bad.

I am a student. I live a life similar to everybody else's. But, I can't be the best at anything. Because no one will like it. Or it's just probably that, they simply don't like me. And so my best buds, would always be the laptop and the free wi-fi.

If you'll be stepping into my shoes, you will know how hard it is for me to live a life that I am in right now. As the song goes, "Nobody wants to be lonely".. just like me.

A freelancer and everybody's pet peeve. That's just me. Ang galing noh?! Now, I'm just wondering why they can't see me as a person. I can't be perfect. I may know a lot, but not everything.

And where I am right now is in the middle of a childish-hindi-sila-napagbigyan thing. And after the case, I am now known to be selfish and greedy.

Firstly, they never treated me good since I met them. Should they receive something good from me?
Secondly, I really never know the answer to their napaka-liit na issue.
Lastly, kung meron man silang hindi nakuha sakin, at least, walang nawala sa kanila. But what they are doing with their facebook wall posts and comments about that little issue, is taking away my dignity and they are already slashing me on my back.

Why don't they just talk to me? In that way, things may be better. Who knows..someday, they would be needing me again.
